Friday, March 31, 2006

The Bread of Life

"How many of you like to eat?" asks David Moore as he begins his message at Winters Park on Sunday morning, March 26, 2006. David has begun a series of messages in the Gospel of John.

This particular week we were in John chapter 4. "My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work." (v. 34)

As I sit in anticipation of hearing a Word from the Lord through David, I am curious as to where he will go with this and wonder what practical challenge he will leave with all the dear people at Winters Park. (Every week he makes a point to leave us with a challenge.)

The following are my quick notes (just a "taste") from his message:

Psalm 40:8 - I desire to do thy will…
John 5:30 - by myself, I can do nothing… seek not to please self…
John 6:38 - do the will of him who sent me…
Matthew 26:39 - not as I will…

What is the will of God for my Life?

I Thessalonians 5:16-18 - pray without ceasing…
Matthew 5:16 - let your light shine before men…

Be obedient and He will open doors

I Peter 3:5 - Set apart Christ as ruler in your heart
I Peter 5:16 - Humble yourselves and He will lift you up in due time

We are called to do His will; not just know it.

FINISH His work!
I Thessalonians 4:7-8 - Finish Strong (not physically)

Joni Erickson-Tada stated that her accident was the best thing that could have happened to her because it caused her to FOCUS on HIM.

At this point, I got distracted and may have missed David's concluding point, but I had more than enough to "chew on". I walked away from our time of worshipping with our family at Winters Park knowing I had been in the presence of the Lord; a sweet time of worship.